Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Interbrand: Toyota named ‘greenest global brand’

The 2012 report aims to examine the gap that exists between corporate environmental practices and consumer perception of those practices using performance data provided by Deloitte, consumer research and the Best Global Green Brands analysis from the previous year, Interbrand said.

Toyota remains No. 1 in Interbrand’s new list (view Interbrand’s old list) not only among auto companies but among all companies. Interbrand noted that the original Prius model, the launch pad for Toyota’s green image, has recently been expanded to include an entire family of sustainable automobiles.

Jez Frampton, global chief executive office of Interbrand, said it is crucial that consumers’ impressions of a brand are closely aligned to that brand’s actual environmental performance.

Interbrand said that the environmental progress of the auto industry was driven by “long-term goals of fuel efficiency, superior energy use, and the reduction of toxic emissions,” while tech brands also had a strong showing with Hewlett Packargd, Panasonic, Dell and Siemens taking spots 5 through 8.

courtesy of

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